08 Nov Air Serv Delivers Second Shipment for Direct Relief
Air Serv recently transported a shipment of obstetric fistula repair modules in Uganda on behalf of Direct Relief. The modules were delivered to Kitovu Mission Hospital, located 120km southwest of Kampala, and Hoima Regional Referral Hospital, located 203km northwest of Kampala. This is the second time the two organizations have worked in partnership for the delivery of critically needed medical supplies. “Obstetric fistula is a childbirth injury that can be physically and socially devastating, if left untreated,” says Jessica Koval, Direct Relief’s International Programs Manager. “The arrival of these fistula repair modules in Uganda means that more than 200 women will receive the restorative surgery they need.”
Direct Relief is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving healthcare for at-risk populations by mobilizing and delivering medical assistance. They are currently active in 70 countries with programs focusing on maternal and child health, prevention and treatment of disease, and emergency preparedness and response.
Air Serv International operates a fleet of six Cessna Caravans, providing “last mile” air transportation in support of East African humanitarian programs. Currently active programs are in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Republic of Chad, with an operations base located in Entebbe, Uganda. Air Serv also provides commercial air charter, facility, and aircraft maintenance services. For more information about Air Serv International, please see www.airserv.org or follow at www.faceboook.com/airservintl/.
November 8, 2016
Contact: Dave Carlstrom at (540) 514-2118 or dcarlstrom@airserv.org